Paul Hughes has been advising clients on EU and UK competition law for over thirty years. His assignments have included advising on behavioral, merger control and dominance/abuse-related issues and regarding distribution and licensing arrangements. He has extensive experience of working with companies in a wide range of sectors, including sports, sports equipment, branded goods, e-commerce, software, media, insurance, automotive, rail, engineering, avionics, aerospace, defense, life science, agriculture, food catering, retail, energy and utility and the aggregates and extractive industries.

Paul Hughes has advised on EU and UK merger control and on the multi-jurisdictional aspects of mergers. Paul has counseled on abuse of dominance issues including distribution incentive and pricing schemes, tying and bundling and a range of practices with potential market foreclosing effects. He has advised trade associations and industry bodies on standard setting, information exchange and compliance issues and a wide variety of companies on collaborative and cooperative joint ventures.


Paul Hughes has helped structure national and reorganize EU-wide agency, distribution, franchising, brand and technology licensing arrangements. He has defended companies with respect to competition authority investigations into alleged infringements of EU, UK and national competition law, such as resale price maintenance, minimum advertised online prices and prohibitions on cross-border sales or the use of the Internet, practices that have the potential to attract significant fines. He has settled and frequently avoided lengthy investigations through commitments and adjustments to distribution and resale arrangements. He has advised on the development and implementation of EU-wide competition compliance policies, whistle blowing and intra-group reporting and risk identification strategies.

Paul is admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales and in Ireland and is both a New York attorney and an avocat at the Brussels Bar. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge on the subject of EU merger control, a diploma in copyright law from King’s College, University of London, a Masters Degree in EU Law from the University of Essex, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford.

Paul has had a longstanding career in the academic community and has taught EU and UK competition law at a number of English universities.

Since the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) came into effect in May 2018 there have been numerous high-profile enforcement actions (~US$880m is the largest GDPR fine to-date) and private litigation (including class-action type claims). Notable fines have included the ~US$25m fine levied in October 2020 by the