With the news of the recent cyber-attack and resulting data breach at health insurance giant Anthem Inc., the buzz around data security and privacy is again high. The Anthem breach serves as a reminder to those entities subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that failing to keep protected health information secure and private can lead to serious consequences.
Keep An Eye On Those Shiny, New Mobile Devices!
As physicians, nurses, therapists and health care providers continue to utilize new smart phones, tablets, and laptops in caring for patients, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) has responded with educational videos, worksheets and guidance to help health care providers create a “culture of compliance and awareness” and to protect patients’ Protected Health Information (“PHI”). While the material is focused on health care professionals, the information is also applicable to group health plan professionals and their business associates who use mobile devices to store and transmit PHI in connection with administration of group health plans.
New York Court Finds Clinic Not Liable for Employee’s Disclosure of PHI
A federal district court dismissed an action against an employer alleging vicarious liability for an employee’s dissemination of a patient’s protected health information (PHI) related to treatment for a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Specifically, the court found that the employer, a private New York medical clinic, was not vicariously liable for the actions of the employee because the employee was acting in a personal capacity which was beyond the scope of her employment.
Decrypting HHS Guidance on Breach Notification and Security under the HITECH Act: NIST, FIPS, and More
Two months after Congress mandated notification for the breach of unsecured protected health information (PHI), the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) defined what it means to be “unsecured.” As required by Section 13402 of the HITECH Act, H.R. 1, 111th Cong. (1st Sess. 2009) (which was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), the Secretary issued guidance and a request for comments on the technologies and methodologies rendering information unusable, unreadable or indecipherable. 74 Fed. Reg. 19006 (Apr. 27, 2009) (to be codified at 45 C.F.R. pts. 160, 164).
HHS Enters Into First Monetary Settlement Under HIPAA
On July 15, 2008, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (“HHS”) entered into its first Resolution Agreement with a HIPAA-covered entity to settle alleged violations of the privacy and security regulations promulgated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). Pursuant to the Resolution Agreement, a Seattle-based not-for-profit health system, Providence Health & Services and certain of its divisions (“Providence”), paid $100,000 to HHS and entered into a Corrective Action Plan with the government. HHS advised that Providence’s cooperation in the investigation helped it avoid a “civil monetary penalty.” Providence has been released from further civil fines to HHS arising out of the particular activities at issue in this matter, provided that Providence complies with the terms of the three-year Corrective Action Plan. The Resolution Agreement did not release Providence from any potential criminal liability.
Prior to this Resolution Agreement, HHS had not imposed any fines on any HIPAA-covered entities. In the more than five years that have passed since the compliance deadline for the HIPAA privacy regulations, HHS has received close to 40,000 complaints of violations, the majority of which were not eligible for enforcement. Of those where a violation was identified, HHS had previously resolved such cases by requiring changes in privacy practices and other corrective actions without entering into any formal settlement agreements or imposing any fines.